"Preparing Students for the Future in Jesus' Name"
Formational Learning Experiences
Formational Learning Experiences (FLEx) are opportunities for the learner to engage in “real work that meets a real need for real people.” These opportunities have a dual purpose. In the first case, they expose our students to countless careers and vocations. This not only develops an appreciation for the variety of skills in our community, it also helps them to discern how God might use them to bless others throughout their lives. In the second case, FLEx is a means for our students to make deeper connections between subjects in their learning. In addition to field trips, FLEx may come in the form of service learning projects that require interdisciplinary problem solving and creative thinking.
In the 2023-2024 School Year, students visited:
Kinship Radio
Public Safety
Mankato Regional Airport
Taylor Corporation Data Analytics Center
Industrial Fabrication Solutions
All American Foods
Hubbard House
Blue Earth County Historical Society
Feeding our Community Partners
Drummers Garden Center
State Patrol Office
Minnesota Valley Pet Hospital
The State Capitol (and met with State Representative Debra Kiel)
Community Bank
We also experienced talks and workshops with subject matter experts in Law, Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, Construction and Finance.